A Webzine of Meaningful Contrasts

Winter 2025

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"It was edited to fit the narrative."

- Sean "Diddy" Combs, renowned entertainment impresario, referring to an incriminating video shown in court and trying to wiggle his way out of his legal trouble


 "Pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains."

- Paul, in the fourth chapter of the Letter to the Colossians

One of the very best books to come out in recent times is The Mysteries by Bill Watterson (along with John Kascht). If that name is familiar to you, it is because he is indeed the one who for some period of time a number of years back did the delightful Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.

It is an adult fable, and while it has gotten a bit of attention out there in the new-books world, it is a sobering tale about what it is like to be a rabidly devout Catholicist. For all that good wholesome Catholicists are known for, indeed some of those things are indeed very good wholesome things, one defining characteristic is their overriding dread.

This story makes that come alive, quite hauntingly I might add.

It illuminates that condition with the reality that the good wholesome Catholicist is and always will be looking to find out what the gol-danged thing is with that, and sure enough, it simply has to come from that thing the authorities tell us is so very fearfully mysterious but that they'll find it for sure no matter how many of the best and brightest minds and bravest and mightiest armies are sent out to get it!


And they wait, and wait, and wait...

Well, I won't give away the ending, you can check it out.

But does involve a lonely eternity deep in the great vast emptiness...

You'll get it.


In the meantime, the latest spawned manifestation of the spectacular imaginarium deftly managed by the ordained World Ops is the thing called "A.I," something perfectly situated for people to glom all over what they think will be That One Grand Mystery Revealed that will make them!

I'd finally found a decent tome that speaks meaningfully about it and the hell it represents, above and beyond the piddle mainstreamed psyop glop people are forced to imbibe. It is Feeding the Machine, and it might just as well be titled "The Extraction Machine," a reference frequently employed in the book. It does fine work detailing how the vaunted "A.I." is and always will be a weapon for carrying out the necessary human sacrifice Cain's Legacy must perform for the reprobate population it must govern.

Thing is, the Truth Rule essentially associated with this is this operative activity has been happening for millennia, lack of superduperextrasuperduperultrasuperdupermegasuperduper-fast processing information technology notwithstanding.

You can't miss it if you look carefully at the history of Roman Catholic Inquisition, even today still going very strong and proficiently continuing Cain's work. Everything related to government is Rome, and it always has been since that very first city was erected for the necessary prosecutorial activity, expanding into Babylon then on through Persia, Greece, Rome, and now the Anglo US/UK nexus that still gets its marching orders from the Gesu comfortably nestled in the Vatican.

One of those revelatory things I've discovered in that study — one that anyone may do themselves, it just may require asking Christ to let them see it — is that all the religious things across the globe that draw people from Him, every one of them, were invented by this entity. This is standard procedure for the preeminent body representing the Ministry of Condemnation.

This means the question arises and it is a difficult one. It is one I've been ruminating on for some time.

Was even Protestantism itself an invention of the Jesuits?

Was the Reformation something the deep ops of the Romanist hegemony stoked for the expressed purpose of establishing just as splendid a villain to wage war against, as were the Muslims and the Eastern Orthodoxers and any and all major cults and sects and any others that have been shaped and molded and contorted into some ritualistic/liturgical/virtue-signaling/browbeating thing they could rail and roil and rage against — implicitly but very pragmatically to draw people closer to Rome?

So much history to elucidate here, but I'll just direct you to another fascinating book, this one Unbelievers by Alex Ryrie. It is a take on doubt and unbelief mostly in Christendom through the centuries, and it does touch quite a bit on Rome's role in making people lose, dismiss, reject, just plain jettison their belief in God.

Another excerpt if I may, demonstrating that if those World Ops did not invent the Protestant Reformation, they were definitely going all in to greatly exploit it.

Recall that following Luther's bold challenge the warfare that happened got way more heated. Authorized World Ops with seven-fold strength against any "protestors" or "reformers" had been around for millennia before the Jesuits were given the job. The 95 Theses incident would not have happened unless they wanted it to happen, for the expressed purpose of generating the desired antipathy so they could do their insidious work.

The true Christian church was around for all those millennia also, people meeting in genuinely ungrafted worship communities in homes and modest meeting halls living out the gospel and not at all a concern of Rome. It is my contention that when people even as far back as the budding church under the Empire were persecuted it was because they tried to challenge, chide, remonstrate, demonstrate, make huge waves against what Rome was about. They may have even entered into rebellion against it, indeed "protesting" that in which they had no business and screeching about "reforming" something that by definition was doing the firmly entrenched work of Hell.

This is not to dismiss the meaning of the martyrdom — Jesus spoke clearly about what the magistrates may do to those who do worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, definitely commendable service in His name. The thrust here is how successful the Jesuits have been in their "Counter Reformation" activity, even to the extent of manipulating sentiments related to the persecution making it all one giant grandstanding program.

Oh my.

Look at those once stalwart Protestant denominations. Congregational, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist — at one time especially throughout the 19th century proclaiming the gospel with a fervor that included a rich robust explication of the evils of Roman Catholicism. By the mid-1900s the Jesuits' sinister work didn't even require a shot fired (in the early Reformation days of the 1500s the executioner's axe was used on a quite regular basis). In fact, with the Johnson Amendment muzzling Protestant churches and muting their impact, some scant 60, 70 years later they've effectively given in — now virulently promoting sodomism, socialism, and racialism as the core tenets of their "faith."

And they are dying off as a result.

Their congregants are almost all elderly and their numbers are dwindling. Just about every one of their church buildings and grounds are rundown and unkempt. The better looking ones only survive by holding fun God club things like pot lucks every other month and spiffy Saturday morning ornament hangings at Christmas time.

The brighter more dynamic evangelical megachurches? They can be just as Catholicized with loud personality cult pastors, strident secular political engagement, and a refusal to see Rome for what it is — not for 'resistance" purposes but merely to understand. And what is one of the most instrumental ways they officially declare their allegiance to the System as much as the more traditional ones? It is by doing the one thing that enjoins them with all the other spiffy spaffy do-gooder organizations out there, hundreds of thousands of them laboring feverishly to try to make things ever so good in the name of The Cause, the tikkun olam, the rescuing of the poor and downtrodden from the depths of dissipation largely plastered there by Rome to begin with so they can keep the mon-er-the good-doing going and the rack-er-bestest good-doing, um, being good and all.

They sign up as tax-exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, the official registration with the exceedingly good-doing fully Caesar-endorsed program. Doing this makes themselves just as much beholden to his rule over their affairs as the most hifalutin Roman Catholic church.

And the warfare follows within Christendom, exactly the way the Jesuits want it.

It is exactly how the extirpation of Protestantism has happened so more and more will "Come home to Rome." It can't get more harrowing than that. And yes, I've wanted for some time to delve deep into those internecine killing fields. How there are so many hill-to-die-on Calvinists, anti-dispensationalists, young-earthers, and more who even if they share decent theological points that we may all deeply consider are so ferociously belligerent that not only do the battles wage unchecked but the church has been driven into the immorality that is so devastating.

This is all not just some angels-dancing-on-the-pinhead stuff. Lots of people think none of this sectarian navel-gazing means a thing, that it's really about the global arena and the consuming threat of World War III. No, this is the core matter. These are the things that shape every deep-state World Op superintendence. It doesn't matter when it seeps into and vomits out onto everything through the commercial, financial, corporate, consulting, marketing, journalistic, bureacratic, technocratic, or any other incestuously connected domains...

It is all Cain's Legacy.

And it is going nowhere until the last day when God's wrath is poured out.

I can't get too much into the landscape of that destruction, but I have often in my blogging and webzine work. It'd need more volumes as much as I'm chomping to do so! A critical point is that it isn't just that all of it has driven young people in particular to disavow any association with a religious venture, but how much the sodomist enabling that is now so irrevocably woven into everything all around now will bring the inevitable evisceration of the nice pleasant lives we have here in this once staunchly Protestant country that one time did actually did have some generally faithful enclaves that served as sanctuaries of a sort from the routine Romanist malevolence.

Here is a terrific piece about J.D. Unwin's excellent work from a century ago. If you aren't familiar with it he goes into great detail about how eventually our protracted and sanctioned sexual immorality will destroy us. Then there is this very recent piece by Edward Ring, coincidentally articulating a very real consequence of Unwin's study: that marauding sodomism has absolutely wrecked the advanced industrialized Western Civilization's capacity to, yes, make babies.

Indeed sodomism today is in a very real sense murdering those who should be joyfully inhabiting the future generations. Sorrowfully much of the lethal sexual "liberation" dogma bilged into the world comes from the modernist Protestant church's leadership blapping proudly about it. They often sound so erudite but are merely reproducing what the Jesuit-dominated university network has told them to say, to believe.

It is all just another form of human sacrifice.

Think Rome doesn't have anything to do with that?

Might want to read the history.


One last couple of notes that are worth mentioning.

I don't think for two seconds that there weren't very good things the Reformation brought about. Not going to get into to all the positive societal aspects, but it is good that it did empower more people to read God's word, seek God's righteousness in Christ finding their contentment and salvation from Him and Him alone, and form worship communities where they could live out their faith in the open and from there they may widely and effusively evangelize a lost world.

I also should emphasize that while the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy, Jesuit deep operative activity and all, is an idolatrous and occultic enterprise through-and-through, it does serve its purposes as Cain's Legacy for the necessary prosecutorial law enforcement and adjudication, perfectly suited for those who do need their evildoing managed and constrained to some extent.

It is the sin in the hearts of every human being that is the main issue.

Address that by the blood of Jesus Christ, and nothing Caesar does means anything really. It is the sin first, then it is either Rome or Christ. You'll get either one, but it depends on what you decide. Rome comes down hard with the rod, and that is allowed by God as an act of mercy actually. I know that sounds somewhat twisted, but that instrument of judgment with its accompanying evils is in place by divine permission so you will come out from under the crushing weight of its legitimately executed condemnation, repent from your part in making all of that happen, and go to Him on His terms by His profoundly generous grace.

That's where the Kingdom is.

You may go there if you want. You may.

But that path is narrow, even so, and far, far away from the vastly broad Romanist System and its scintillating but ruthless machinations.

It just requires you to take His nail-scarred hand and step onto it.


Then enjoy being one of those truly bright wonderful Mysteries living happily ever after.







The path of righteousness is like the morning sun,

shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness;

they know not what makes them stumble.

Proverbs 4:18-19





  • The book Feeding the Machine was written by James Muldoon, Mark Graham, and Callum Cant.

  • The cartoon about "Mr. Global" and his marketing campaign is from Jeremy over at Jerm Warfare. Remember, anything that is globalism is by definition Roman Catholicism.

  • The Calvin and Hobbes strip shared here is one I'd had for years posted on the cabinet in my classroom.

  • My reference to "A.I." as "Superduper...-fast" is a bit hyperbolic, yes, but I do so to highlight the folly of the widely blithered conception of the thing. I put together a home page piece about it here, for a bit more.

  • I'd wanted to put together a home page piece with several more of the ways certain theological hills-to-die-on prominent in the Protestant world destroy. Not all, but too many, mostly stoked by Jesuit designs. For instance real quick (if I can actually do that), the Calvinism issue is one of the worst, and it blows my mind that fierce "Five-Pointers" neglect to realize Calvinism is actually Augustinianism, invented by the very best Catholicist in antiquity. Never mind that the entire "sovereignty of God" vs. "free will of man" is truly one of those mysteries that presently only resides in the mind of God. There are so many others like this, and at least with this web ministry effort must be addressed some other time.

  • Once again, the term sodomism is used to describe anything that is what they call "LGBTQ+."It includes any of the presumed novel but fully self-absorbed sexual immoralities bleated as "sexual freedoms," as well as any and all of the expressed approvals and demanded celebrations of those things even if one is committed to chaste "heterosexual" living. Again the sodomist things are those that are murdering those inhabiting future generations because families are not being produced. I must add this is most pronounced by the ways men have been separated from fatherhood and especially the ways women have been separated from motherhood, which is why the posted graphic of South Korea's destruction speaks of economic constraints related directly to women exploited in the workplace when they should be thriving in the home raising children.

  • Human sacrifice is still very much around, employed as a matter of standard practice by Rome. Here's a rough sketch. By the way, anything that the financial (and information technology) world says is value extraction is indeed just more euphemistically palatable human sacrifice.

  • Some of why and how the Jesuits run the World is here. A rough sketch of the nature of the Culture War interminably propelled by the Society are here.

  • The key thing with the Johnson Amendment for these purposes is it just made it much easier to seduce worship assemblies into becoming state-churches. Here's a page with the what's what about them signing up with Caesar. And briefly, "non-profits" can be very good in helping people, we all need the gracious industrious services of others in some way. It is just that there is a System way and a Kingdom way. Here's another page that touches on that distinction, another one here, and one here.

  • For some thoughts about the players in what is essentially the interminable WWIII right now, go to this page.

  • Some thoughts about what those Christian communities were trying to do at the start of the Reformation are here in my Possible Objections page.

  • A very concise history of World Ops activity is Tupper Saussy's Rulers of Evil. Here, you can read it on PDF. For the pretext for the very first city ever built, look up the fourth chapter of Genesis in the Bible. You could also check out the Letter of Jude for a bit more quite sobering detail about all.

  • Here are a few thoughts about The Mystery Revealed To Us.


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Your Own Jesus

The Catholicist Nation

A Letter to a College Student   |  A Letter to a Church Pastor

To best identify the characteristics of the church attached to the Catholicist Nation and to understand Christ's response to it, please read carefully both of Paul's letters to the Corinthians.


Previous home page (Fall 2024) |   Archives   |   Wonderful Matters

The Latest in the Webzine (November 2024): Keeping the same note here I usually do, nothing much has changed except again, just a reminder, I keep an Archives Menu page of my previous home page pieces. I also have a Site Map page for easy navigating through the web site. I do blog every once in a while, I try to at least once a month there at Wonderful Matters,

I am hoping to add some thoughts to my page related to what it really means when churches graft themselves to the World System, but have yet to do it - I hope to soon!

If you like what you're reading, drop me a note! I'd love to hear from you.

I'd also like to expand the breadth of this web endeavor, so if you know of someone who is well-versed in computer systems, web design, or web marketing, please let me know. Thanks.

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All photographs and images inserted were taken from the web unless otherwise noted. Forgive me if I have not included attributions.

I make no money directly from this web effort.

Thanks nonetheless to those who posted them so I may reproduce them here.

Thank you.

The website The Catholicist Nation at  yourownjesus.net was originally uploaded by David Beck on August 3, 2004

The home page essay above was written by David Beck and was posted on this site on November 27, 2024.
