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In August of 2003, Tupper Saussy posted a page
of some of the dialogues he had with his "ROEders,"
those who'd been reading Rulers of Evil.
All of his work is edifying in some way, but I
believe the following passage is the seminal
part of his web production. It was in response
to a question that was about as generic as you
can get—
government, rulers, evil. No matter, the volumes
of wisdom and insight pouring from the concise
response below speaks to Saussy's strength as a
modern-day Philip the Evangelist.
I can't
help but confess it is a linchpin for my webzine
If you've read the final chapter of
Rulers of Evil, you probably know that my position
regarding the evils of rulers is one not of condemnation
but of reconciliation.
The surest way to incur the unnecessary
and inconvenient wrath of rulers is to judge them, and
this is perfectly in accord with scripture: "Judge not,
and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall
not be condemned."
This does not mean that I look the other
way, or do nothing while evildoers prosper.
As a Christian, I must be "about my
Father's business," and that doesn't include judging
worldly political systems. I know the federal system was
chartered, orchestrated, and brought to life by
protestant zealots unwittingly doing the muscle work of
the Society of Jesus so that an English-speaking
protestant nation could be established on a constitution
that permitted Roman Catholics to reach the highest
political offices. What these people do with their
government is none of my business.
What Rome did with its government was
none of the apostle Paul's business, yet Paul valued his
Roman citizenship because it protected his method of
worshipping his God.
For ten years I lived as a fugitive. It
was perfect freedom without any civil rights. I didn't
vote, didn't sue, wasn't sued, had no licenses from any
government but my own, which is Christ. Driving cars
unregistered in any state, I was stopped no less than
six times and courteously released because the paperwork
I presented them, although issued by no state, satisfied
their needs. Just as scripture commands, I submitted,
but my submission gave them no right of action against
me because (a) none of my documentation showed
jurisdictional nexus to a state with which they had
compacted, (b) I had violated no common law or ordinance
of man, and (c) I had done nothing personally offensive
to the inquiring authority.
I was also able to enjoy the benefits of the banking
system, although I know federal reserve banking is
fundamentally evil. The Lord says He will make of our
enemies "a footstool." I take that to mean that the
malevolent energies of evildoers can be, and are
supposed to be, used by us for good purposes. This is
impossible if we condemn governments rather than submit
to them.
So, regarding the treason issue, I'm
satisfied to let the charges of treason come from within
the government, which ain't gonna happen. Treason
charged from outside the government is a vanity because
it lacks standing. There are so many proofs that the USA
is an organic part of the Babylon of biblical prophecy
(many will be found in Rulers of Evil) that little time
has to be spent any longer trying to convince people of
the fact. What's important for me is to obey the
biblical imperative and "Come out of her, my people."
Coming out of Babylon means looking on her wickedness
sadly, because she's been judged by the only power that
can (and will soon) destroy her.
Coming out of a system as complex as USA
is harder than kicking an addiction. Indeed, USA is an
addiction, and part of the addiction is being angry over
her evils. I see many people addicted to anger. Rulers
know the people love to learn of scandals and bigtime
ripoffs because it keeps them angry, and reactive. Rome
built the USA on patriotic anger; she built the
Confederacy on the same thing, and the reconstructed
14th-amendment constitution, too. She's in the process
of building the ultimate fascistic state on that same
anger, and we can choose to be the unpaid construction
workers by fomenting condemnation, or we can lay
ourselves off.
Fortunately, the laws have always made it
possible for non-playing citizens to be unmolested. This
is the fundamental treasure of American citizenship. On
my site is an article "15 Brienner Strasse," which shows
the origins of Hitler's government as a movement to stop
communism. Hitler's first major support came from the
Vatican emissary to Bavaria, E. Pacelli, who later
became Pope Pius XII. The Vatican, led by its militant
wing the Society of Jesus, has historically opposed
communism—although the Society of Jesus is essentially,
by the dictates of its own Constitutions, a communist
USA's most vigorously anti-communist
prelate, Cardinal Spellman, was a Jesuit and a bedfellow
of J. Edgar Hoover, a zealous anti-communist 32nd-degree
Freemason. The condition of the USA today was brought
about by dozens of trillions of dollars and hundreds of
thousands of lives raised by men like Spellman and
Hoover from Americans committed to the eradication of
communism. All this wealth and tragedy now culminates in
the politics of Homeland Security, which augurs to be as
repressive and as deceptive as bolshevik Russia ever
was. And we have the people's reaction to the summons to
fight communism in a spirit of judgmentalism and
condemnation to thank for it.
So I'm a little wary of calls to oppose
anything. Fomenting opposition is the grand strategy of
rulers of evildoers. They capitalize on the natural
spirit of rebellion in all of us, and we forget (or
never learn) that in God's mind rebellion is "as the sin
of witchcraft." They organize the rebels into useful
armies that go out and fetch what the rulers need. They
did it with the congregationalists and deists of the
thirteen colonies, they did it with my forebears in the
deep south, they did it with the Klan and the Negroes
and the communists and the anti-communists and the
liberals and conservatives and workers and managers and
pro-lifers and pro-choice and gays and straights and
feminists and male-chauvinists, and the polarization
goes on and on making, as Christ put it, "merchandise of
It's not that I oppose opponents of
communism. I wish them well, because communism is an
ugly system. But anti-communism can be just as ugly. So
I wish good fortune to communists at the hands of
oppressive anti-communists. The only thing I can be
certain of is that I am not working for either party,
except to let them know that the best government is one
they have yet to try, the Lord Jesus Christ.
F. Tupper Saussy
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Personal note about
the above: While as sublime as I consider it to be, I
still think clarification should be made about what
Saussy meant by being "wary of calls to oppose
anything." At its core level it is a statement
reflecting such comprehensive devotion to Christ that no
animosity about anything remains in one's soul
peaceful contentment knowing God has all things in His
hands, in other words, when you have Christ, you already
have everything. But I can't see how Christ Himself
refused to oppose the two things for which He died: sin
and death. He wouldn't have done what He did without
that "opposition." I don't think for a second Saussy
himself didn't oppose things, namely the rank ignorance
about World activity, or he wouldn't have written as
much as he did about it all. But I'm pretty sure he's
simply reminding us that when people stridently shake
and shiver about fearful things needing to be this way
or that, they are usually doing it from the World. When
you look at it, every evil has some opponent in the
World, and most times the efforts to eradicate a given
evil by the World gives birth to more evils as he
himself states above much more succinctly than I do. Indeed the condemnationists manipulate that splendidly
so many being made merchandise of men
yet I confess I still marvel at how so many refuse to
get that. The way reconciliationists behave is to live
richly in the Kingdom and as such make oneself
as Saussy so pointedly declares in his conclusion to
Rulers of Evil. Be gently effusive with truth, but
also vigorously expressive with grace, and yes, not so
much to be against the bad thing but to be for the one
you love in Christ's name.