Most people are not directly employed in the service of a church
assembly. Their business or occupation is the thrust of their ministry,
and their God-given talents are used providing some good or service in
the marketplace to make others' lives better. It is in that area where
they are touching others with gospel.
A critically important aspect of being
ungrafted to the World System is that
followers of Christ establish businesses that are not tied
to that System by incorporation. Accompanying this condition is the
freedom of an individual from obligation to a World-chartered body
and the commensurate requirement his income be confiscated for tax
withholding purposes.
A corporation is itself a
legal fiction with its foremost advantage limited liability. This is
to protect individual stakeholders in the company from being held
liable for any debt collection or liability claims.
Is it
not the case, then, that this enables reckless behavior that
encourages participants to evade personal responsibility by shifting
any liability to a faceless World-sanctioned entity? Does Christ
really consent to this condition: that one who claims to be His own
veils himself behind a corporation in
such a way and as such either (a) shields himself from
accountability for his actions or (b) extinguishes the impact he may
have to love others?
Another reason a business may feel the
need to be incorporated is to raise capital. The question must be
asked: Does not the abundance of God's resources provide enough for
a business to grow and thrive? Why do so many feel the need to
incorporate for the purpose of raising capital? I believe the answer
is as simple as this: So many people lie that World-accustomed investors
perceive an incorporated entity less likely to lie because of the
constraints of the law.
Why does a follower of Christ
need those constraints when he should already be fully respecting
any stakeholders claim to a business out of the love he has for that
individual? I am truly saddened by this potential truth: that there
are so few people who would invest their resources in a company that
is merely "incorporated" by the Kingdom, made up of owners,
investors, managers, and employees who simply love because they are
Christ's. That's it.
Does this mean that all the things any
organization must accomplish can't be written down in some form? Of
course not! Followers of Christ are still human: they need to be
reminded of things, they need to learn what is proper for achieving
the goals laid out by a group of people, they must know and respect
the accepted channels of authority — all of that is still applicable
and wholly biblical!
But while as human they are prone
to make mistakes, in Christ they do not allow those things to
give opportunity to sin. As humans they are always learning, as
followers of Christ they are always loving, and full
authentic love only requires residency in the Kingdom. To add an
incorporation contract to that is like adding a French bread
baguette to the transmission of an automobile to help it work.
The upshot of all of this is simple: Can
people in an organization do business without lying to anyone
involved in any endeavor related to the business? This means
anyone, employees and contractors, customers and vendors, even
those dastardly competitors and pesky government officials. If
the answer is no, exploitive deception is an indispensable part of
it all, then that business will want to remain incorporated and
continue to serve the god of commerce and of thieves.
But if the answer is, yes, that they all
can be truthful and gracious under the bountiful provision of all
things by Christ — by all means employing incisive wisdom — then
abandoning any association with Caesar is not only perfectly
reasonable but precisely what God expects.
Does this mean deftly securing full legal
stewardship of all land and resources under the company's control?
Yes! In other words, have no licenses, leases, charters, or deeds that
would compromise your clear declaration of complete stewardship of your property — have none
of those things that the World requests merely to keep you under
its thumb. Are the terms of those contracts meaningful? Of course
they are! You should be heeding the relevant provisos within them if they are indeed godly to
begin with! By all means, put them into your own covenant agreements
with God and one another. If you are actually doing those things as
a matter of practice anyway, why is there any question about whether
or not you'd do what is truly and fully righteous? If there is
a question, then are you truly and fully Christ's to begin with?
Does this mean insightfully understanding
what your real tax liability is? Yes! If you have full legal
stewardship of your property, that means you do not have to pay
property taxes you are not required to pay. Should you pay for local
police and fire services, and for infrastructure maintenance? Of
course you should! Find out how much your contribution is, and give
local government officials that, along with some
fresh homemade baked goods! Invite them to dinner, share Christ with
them, and leave no room for them to question your authentic
graciousness and kindness or to doubt your unwavering devotion to
the government that is the Holy Spirit residing within you. As the Bible clearly says, they will see
your goodness and faithfulness, and commend you.
Does all this make it difficult to do
business with others? Of course!... Unless you have in your
employ many people who also believe on Christ. Note: "Believe
on Christ." This means complete abandonment to Him, His Kingdom,
and seeing that Kingdom manifest in the lives of everyone with whom
you have to do. I agree that the problem is that there are just not a
whole lot of people who do this. In a virulently Catholicized nation
there are too many who do believe in their own Jesus.
But should this stop you from assembling,
praying, studying Scripture, speaking meaningfully about these
things, encouraging one another, and moving on establishing a
Kingdom company with all deliberate speed? Can you be doing this
right now?
One final note: I am not
so naïve to see that it is practically impossible to avoid
providing one's labor in a business world dominated by
worship of Mercury. This is why the most important aspect of
being ungrafted starts with the worship assembly. If
that body genuinely becomes
ungrafted to the World, then its expansion would
facilitate the principles of business activity identified
above, and followers of Christ would be more rapturously
free to produce phenomenal abundance in their labor wholly
for God, neighbor, and even enemy.
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A Note About Contracts
Being Ungrafted
The Acts 2 Church
The steps to being ungrafted in thumbnail
1. Put your faith in Jesus Christ and in Him alone.
Understand Caesar is assigned the task of ruling over those who do
not have their devotion directed at Christ.
2. For the community of His disciples: Gather together for the
expressed purpose of understanding the distinction between the World
and the Kingdom and for richly supporting one another.
3. For those in leadership positions: Immerse
yourselves in His word, insightfully discern Christ's words
from His counterfeit's, and boldly share those words with those in
your midst who are genuinely seeking His direction.
4. Cultivate the
motivational gifts of the Spirit that are divinely assigned to each
individual, and rely on one another. Reclaim those who are
experts in law and finance from service in the
World System.
5. For an assembly that has been
incorporated: Reorganize into a new fellowship.
For a group who wants to organize for the purpose of fellowship and
worship: Form a meaningful covenant. Meet regularly to prayerfully discuss the definitively
practical ways your fellowship community will graciously interact
with notable World operatives.
6. Jesus said we are to be His
Kingdom. Therefore, rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give
thanks in all things, especially in light of the severe persecution
you may encounter because you are living completely free from the
grip of the World.
7. Stand with Him, love with
His love, speak Truth, and be Grace to those all around you who are
enslaved to the World System, introducing them to The One Savior and
His Bountiful Kingdom.
This page was
originally posted by David Beck at on May 30, 2009 |