"E Pluribus Unum" and the Bacchic Gospel
In a time before the creation of mankind, the twelve Titans cause Bacchus, Jupiter’s beautiful son, to become fascinated by his own image in a mirror. Enthralled by himself, Bacchus is seized by the Titans. They kill him, tear him to pieces, boil the pieces in water, and afterwards roast and eat them. This grieves all his loved ones, hence his name, from bakhah, to “to weep” or “lament.” The strewn body parts of Bacchus become the four elements of matter. One of Bacchus’ sisters, the virgin Minerva, rescues his sacred heart from the four elements and places it before Jupiter in Heaven. From Heaven, Jupiter hurls thunderbolts at his son’s murderers and reduces the Titans to ashes. The rains further reduce the ashes, mingling with the four elements, to slime. From this evil slime Jupiter forms mankind, a “Titanic embodiment” from which the “Bacchic idea,” or rational soul, must be released. The Bacchic idea is released by evil slime’s sexual energy, especially when facilitated by alcoholic drink—hence Bacchus is associated with grapevines, wild dancing, phallic symbols, and fornication. When death and sex have rescued the rational soul from the four slimy corneres of the earth, a transfigured, eternal Bacchus is resurrected as the flaming Sun. He is E PLURIBUS UNUM, One from Many, a resurrection symbolized by the pentagram, the one rising out of the four to make five… With “E PLURIBUS UNUM” flowing from his beak, Jupiter’s eagle preaches the Bacchic Gospel. It is a gospel of salvation that antedates that of Jesus Christ by many centuries. The Bacchic Gospel was preached and played out in the pagan cults. A Holy Virgin would ritually rescue the Son of God’s Sacred Heart from the slime of humanity imprisoning the Son’s soul. Each cult initiate—a fractional part of the Son’s soul—supposedly gained increasing amounts of knowledge from mind-altering substances and sexual ecstasy administered for money, of course, by the temple priests and priestesses. The initiate looked forward to being released from his slimy humanity by ever-increasing knowledge. He yearned to be reunited ultimately with the Sacred Heart in Heaven, resurrected and transfigured for all eternity. This salvational plan, or some variation of it, can be found at the core of all the secret or mystery religions—cults of empire. It persists from the earliest Babylonian prototype right on down through the Great Seal. It has succeeded not because it calls for repentance from sin, but because it makes sin an asset in a process of self-deification. The Bacchic Gospel serves an economy of sin management, in which sins are forgive upon the payment of money or performance of some act of contrition valuable to society. It is about people control. Because it prospers on the addictive nature of fornication and mind-altering substances, it naturally facilitates sex and booze and drugs and all their destructive fallout in order to have a context in which to make itself useful. Unlike the Christian Gospel, which conditions forgiveness of sins upon repentance—“and if he repents, forgive him” (Luke 17:3) —the Bacchic Gospel forgives upon the rendering of appropriate sacrifices to the priest of the appropriate deity. The congeniality of this gospel to secular government and Roman Catholicism speaks for itself.
A Picture of the Bacchic Gospel
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This page was originally posted by David Beck at yourownjesus.net on June 23, 2007