This stock photograph by Genaro Molina of the Los Angeles Times appeared in the
print version of the newspaper next to the July 14 2007 story about
the Roman Church's latest proclamation that it is the one true
church. It was taken in 2005 at Vatican City's Paul VI
Hall where the pope held court for pilgrims and journalists.
You can't help
but admire
the whole look here.
I'm sure the
big statue thing is supposed to be Jesus, but that's not Him.
It is,
however, another Jesus.
Can you tell
which one? I'm not sure, what do you think?
I think I know.
It is the one
that is Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and revelry.
It fits
perfectly, if we presume that the Roman Catholic Church is indeed the
ecclesiastical legacy of Cain with all the visually stunning spectacles that
accompany the vast administration of the lives and conduct of sinners.
What strikes me
is the brazen depiction of a Roman god contrasted with the stance Benedict is
taking just underneath him, which is almost identical to that of the idol. Is he
so bold as to impersonate his own god? Why I imagine he'd do nothing less.
To get a
complete picture of what this all means,
visit this page.